Before we moved back to Kuala Lumpur, my daughter spent all her time with just me in a foreign place. There was limited opportunity for her to have playmates or even meet new people. She was shy and highly dependant on me.
Ever since she joins Trinity Kids Malaysia, we see vast improvement on her social skills and self confidence. She can express herself better and interact with others confidently. We were worried that she will not adjust to a school environment but she surprised everyone. She settles in quickly and waves goodbyes happily at drop off! She used to be a picky eater at home too but now she's eating well and putting on weight rather quickly!
I can see that the teachers genuinely love kids and love to work in the environment. Seeing all the happy faces (the teachers and kids) make me realize we made the right choice with this school. When my second child is ready, we will not hesitate to send her in too!
Thank you Daisy and team for all the effort!
Eva, mom of a child in the Playschool