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From a little Mandarin chatterbox to a bright, multilingual star! 🌟

Trinity Kids Malaysia

Time flies so fast! In the blink of an eye, M has spent a year and a half at Trinity Kids. From a little one who couldn't speak English at all, she has blossomed into a confident, multilingual speaker who is fluent in English and not afraid to express herself. Plus, she’s picked up Malay and Chinese too! We are so grateful to all the teachers for their loving care and guidance, and to all her friends for their companionship, making each day at school so fun and fulfilling for M. It's hard to say goodbye, but we wish Trinity Kids all the best for the future! 🌟✨

时光飞逝,一转眼 M 在Trinity Kids一年半了。从一开始不会说英文的小孩变成了英文流利敢于表达的大孩子了。当然还有额外收获,那就是马来语和华文。感谢这一年半以来每位老师的细心照顾和培养,也感谢每一位小朋友的陪伴,让 M 每一天的校园时光都如此的快乐和充实。万般不舍的跟大家说再见,希望以后Trinity Kids越来越好!🌟✨

RX, Mummy of M from K1


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