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Teachers genuinely love the girls, and the girls reciprocate

Trinity Kids Malaysia

K and K2 have gone to 'school', to Trinity Kids since each were four months young. Imagine that - they don't even know a life without going to 'school'. 

The school is near home. They keep the kids from morning till evening. They feed the kids in a wholesome way. It's a playschool on steroids that offers almost every key activity - bar swimming, perhaps - so for now our weekends are freed up from ferrying them around. Great!

'School' for K and K2 began at infancy, so to us it was important for them to be able to play and be kids in a safe and clean environment. Nonetheless, it wouldn't hurt to learn a thing or two every day. 

As it is turning out, K and K2 are people we actually like. Syok sendiri syndrome of course la, forgive me; but I am happy to be pals with my kids :p

We owe a significant portion of how they are turning out to Trinity Kids. The best thing about this place is their intent - sincerity in developing kids in a happy and balanced way, but uncompromising on high standards and values like resilience. 

Secondly, the teachers genuinely love the girls, and the girls reciprocate! This to us is a prerequisite for any child to thrive. 

The third best thing is the peace of mind it gives us parents during the work week. I honestly don't worry about them (dare I say, don't have to think about them) during school hours. 

For our family, it suffices not to say 'happy teachers day' to the wonderful educators and caregivers my kids have had since 2012. For us, we must say thank you, teachers, for being the girls' mother figures, aunties, playmates, guardians, chefs, mentors and so many other roles. 

You ladies are our weekday extended family, helping us to share the load of raising kids while we earn a living. How else could I attempt a career otherwise? 

Happy Teachers Day to Daisy and her wonderful team at Trinity Kids. Please continue to bring out the best in our little Ks - you have my profound gratitude and respect.

J, Mother of K and K2


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